The Boogie Knights 2 (1 - 1) 2 Real Bensham
Ukupan skor: 4-3 (The Boogie Knights prolazi u sledece kolo)
4 runda u League Of Champs Cup
The Love Shack 2022-06-14 14:30
Sudija: Seymour Red (S3, H8)
The jersey is in the laundry
The Boogie Knights
GK Ö Arnason
D S Tideman
D F Gaunt
D B Venables
MF F Mazzi
MF C Beck (C)
MF M Hobbs
MF L Coldevin
MF D Smart
F D Bispos
F L Hanson
R S Wanhainen
R I Shail

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4 Vernon Deayton je dobio žuti karton
11 Fred Gaunt je dobio žuti karton
21 1 - 0 Sut posle kornera: Strelac pogotka je Marty Hobbs uz asistenciju Lukas Coldevin
26 1 - 1 Sut iz daleka: Strelac pogotka je Micah McGrath uz asistenciju Robin Aymes
46 2 - 1 Slobodni udarac pravo na gol: Strelac pogotka je Larry Hanson
48 Ike Shail, igrač The Boogie Knights, je ušao umesto Larry Hanson
48 Sten Wanhainen, igrač The Boogie Knights, je ušao umesto Benny Venables
67 Colbert Teather je dobio žuti karton
76 2 - 2 Glavom posle centar suta: Strelac pogotka je Tyson Ullathorpe uz asistenciju Marshall Warton
Posedovanje lopte 48 - 52 (49-51)
Šanse 3 - 3 (1-1)

Domaći tim - Igrač utakmice - Gostujući tim
Danny Smart Ross Geller

The jersey is in the laundry
Real Bensham
GK W Abbott
D R Geller
D V Deayton
D C Teather
D M Warton
MF S Bould
MF D Mahon
MF M McGrath (C)
MF R Aymes
F T Arnott
F T Ullathorpe
R P Roe
R J Norbury
R C Reeves
R S Mossley

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