Team settings
On the team settings page, you can make various adjustments to your team. These adjustments are described below.
Team name
In private leagues you can at any time apply to change your team name. You can only apply for a team name that does not already exist in the league. A request is then sent to the league boss and the new team name will not come into effect until it has been approved by the league boss.
In Xpert Leagues it works the same way but the changing of team names is only allowed during season breaks, new members will be allowed to change their team name though when applying for an existing team in the xpert league. The new name will be checked against the other Xpert leagues. In other words you cannot choose a name that already exists in any of the Xpert leagues. The reason for this being that the Xpert Leagues are basically one and the same league system.
Arena name, Fanclub and homepage
You can at any time change the name of your team's arena, fanclub or homepage and you do not need the approval of the league boss for this.
Playing friendlies
If you uncheck this checkbox no other teams will be able to challenge you to a friendly game. If the checkbox is checked, other teams can challenge you.
Team outfit
Here you can select the shirt and shorts your team will play in. If you are a VIP member you can click the link "Choose a designer shirt" and search for a more exciting shirt.
Requesting player names
Here you can place your requests for player names. You can enter any name, for example your own, and you will then recieve an offer to buy a player or perhaps a talent offer with the name you entered. Players must have a first and last name, the names cannot contain any "strange" characters, and cannot be over 24 characters long. All applications for player names must however be approved by the league admin before they will be included in the game.
In private leagues you can resign from your team during the season break and two weeks before the break. You can also resign if the league has not yet started its first season.
Your team will then be inactivated and you will not be able to log on to your team again, nor can the league boss reactivate your team. Resigning from a team will give you penalty points lowering your Xpert rating.
If the league admin has a very poor Xpert Rating, you may be able to leave in the middle of the season when otherwise you would be kept in the league until the end of the season.
Club logo & your own team shirt
If you are a VIP member you can on the team setup page upload a club logo and your own designer shirts. The shirts must however have an Xpert logo and be based on our standard shirts. |