Vlademiro Tavares

Midfielder , 31 years

Team: S.L. Benfica 12
The player has no yellow cards
Lightly injured but fully recovered by 2024-04-21 00:00 

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4m 16 18(7) 14(8) 4(3) 10(5) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 9(0) 1(0)
Total - 272(103) 104(59) 46(26) 58(33) 0(0) 15(9) 0(0) 25(0) 2(0)


The player has no merits


Times injured: 10
Days injured: 61
DateDays Match report
2024-04-18 3 Villa Boys Alhos Vedros - S.L. Benfica 12
2024-03-21 4 S.L. Benfica 12 - Vendetta Team
2023-12-10 4 Solway Star FC - S.L. Benfica 12
2023-09-21 16 S.L. Benfica 12 - Tottenham Hotspur F.C.
2023-02-02 3 Shulishader - S.L. Benfica 12
2022-07-28 7 S.L. Benfica 12 - Reff Stars
2022-07-03 7 S.L. Benfica 12 - Snake Fangs
2021-06-24 4 S.L. Benfica 12 - Strollers
2021-04-15 9 Milany 21 - S.L. Benfica 12
2020-05-17 4 Missing

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