Milton Hervey

Midfielder , 34 years

Team: Serbian Elite
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 3e 17 20(6) 11(9) 6(5) 5(4) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 4(0) 0(0)
Total - 373(145) 179(105) 96(56) 83(49) 0(0) 12(7) 1(0) 52(3) 3(0)

Previous clubs
FC Shearer 16 0 0 105 2019-07-07 13:25 5 078 000 econ
swonkyiv 0 0 0 4 2019-03-24 02:25 1 925 900 econ


The player has no merits


Times injured: 10
Days injured: 62
DateDays Match report
2024-02-02 4 Cleri Juniors - Serbian Elite
2023-12-22 4 Bradford Bantmans - Serbian Elite
2023-10-20 2 Serbian Elite - Bradford Bantmans
2023-09-22 10 Serbian Elite - Hollys Hornets FC
2023-02-24 15 Hollys Hornets FC - Serbian Elite
2022-11-11 4 Better Than Life - Serbian Elite
2022-08-09 8 Pooventus - Serbian Elite
2021-06-15 2 Sporting Strikers - Serbian Elite
2020-10-06 9 Dynamo Vatnajökull - Serbian Elite
2020-07-17 4 AIK - Serbian Elite

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