Lukas Coldevin

Sredina terena , 35 godina

Tim: The Boogie Knights
Igrač nema žutih kartona

Vestine i mogucnosti


Specijalni kvaliteti:

Zadnja utakmica
Najbolja utakmica


Trenutna sezona Division 2c 18 25(11) 12(9) 6(3) 6(6) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 5(0) 0(0)
Ukupno - 307(129) 124(80) 45(27) 79(53) 1(0) 7(2) 0(0) 34(1) 2(0)

Prethodni klubovi
Tim MečevaGoloviAsistencijeDaniProdatCena
Unlimited Power 83 12 19 503 2020-07-30 20:55 12 128 600 econ
North Shields Cosmos 20 3 2 137 2019-03-15 11:25 5 024 200 econ
Death Eater City 0 0 0 4 2018-10-29 21:25 4 062 000 econ


Igrač nema nikakvih zasluga


Ukupno povredjen: 13
Ukupno dana povredjen: 40
DatumDani Izveštaj sa utakmice
2024-03-26 3 The Boogie Knights - Spacecowboys
2023-09-08 1 S.L. Glorioso - The Boogie Knights
2023-08-08 10 Teletubbies BK - The Boogie Knights
2023-01-03 1 Generation Y - The Boogie Knights
2022-12-02 2 Robijasi Rovers - The Boogie Knights
2022-11-22 2 Rappers F.C - The Boogie Knights
2022-02-25 1 The Boogie Knights - El Creekio Santos
2021-11-09 2 Thanington Harriers - The Boogie Knights
2021-01-22 3 The Boogie Knights - Hammarby
2020-06-23 1 1953 SGD - Unlimited Power
2020-04-14 4 Odsutan
2020-01-28 4 Lövets IF - Unlimited Power
2019-06-28 6 Odsutan

Meni tima


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