Roderick Felice

Midfielder , 37 years

Team: FC Pogge
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 5:7 16 6(3) 1(1) 1(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 353(101) 125(36) 55(15) 70(21) 0(0) 21(7) 0(0) 83(2) 6(0)

Previous clubs
Paola Hibernians 6 0 0 43 2018-10-08 07:25 2 671 100 econ


Most assists 4 assists Division 2d Pro League 62
MVP 10 Xpert Elevens Division 2d Pro League 60
MVP 10 Xpert Elevens Division 3h Pro League 59
MVP 10 Xpert Elevens Division 4o Pro League 56


Times injured: 14
Days injured: 115
DateDays Match report
2023-03-03 3 Getens Krigare - FC Pogge
2023-03-03 22 Getens Krigare - FC Pogge
2022-12-09 4 FC Pogge - Farbror Barbro FF
2022-11-18 4 F. C. Ruffenhofen. S. F - FC Pogge
2022-04-29 23 FC Pogge - Broddgränd BK
2021-06-14 4 Missing
2021-05-21 4 Missing
2021-03-26 2 Villastadens IS - FC Pogge
2020-08-24 10 FC Pogge - Ramsgate Rovers
2020-07-17 9 FC Pogge - Gringos FC
2020-06-22 10 FC Pogge - BoKa JuNiOrS
2020-04-20 3 Missing
2019-06-10 6 FC Pogge - Willekots brexits
2019-05-20 11 FC Pogge - Turda Noua FC

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