Informacia za ligata - The Neopower League

Glavna stranica: Lipsva
LeagueID: 332458
Admin na ligata: Joaric
Asistentite na ligata:
Reitinga na ligata:
Klasirane: Klasiran na 201
Sredna vuzrast 46 godini
Nomer na otborite: 40 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktivni otbori 40
VIP-otbori: 21
Suzdadena: 2014-01-31
Sezona zapochva: 2024-09-21
Sezona svurshva: 2025-01-20
Tip na ligata: Chastna liga (Maje)
Sistema na ligata: 1:1
Divizii: 4
Mrusni nomera: Ne e aktiviran
Direktni transferi: Aktiviran
Smiana na imena: Aktiviran
Dni za igra: Sriada i Sabota
Vreme na machovete: 20:00
Demografia: England: 62%
Northern Ireland: 8%
Sweden: 5%
Malta: 5%
Ireland: 5%
Uslovia: Niama nishto!

Real Strontiedad 48
Salford City FC 47
Bacton United 46
Watford FC 45
AFC Ajax 44
Chesterfield 43
Hirstys Left Leg 42
Hirstys Left Leg 41
Elgin City 40
Ipswich Town F.C. 39
Elgin City 38
Black Leopards 37
Black Leopards 36
Black Leopards 35
Black Leopards 34
Black Leopards 33
Black Leopards 32
Everton Ace FC 31
Lylat Wanderers 30
Lylat Wanderers 29
Lylat Wanderers 28
Walsall FC 27
Lylat Wanderers 26
Lylat Wanderers 25
Lylat Wanderers 24
Aston Villa FC 23
Aston Villa FC 22
Lylat Wanderers 21
Lylat Wanderers 20
Lylat Wanderers 19
Sangsom United 18
Lylat Wanderers 17
Warriors F.C. 16
PB United 15
The Millie Whites 14
The Millie Whites 13
The Millie Whites 12
The Millie Whites 11
The Millie Whites 10
The Millie Whites 9
The Millie Whites 8
The Millie Whites 7
The Millie Whites 6
The Millie Whites 5
Carmarthen Town F.C 4
Carmarthen Town F.C 3
Carmarthen Town F.C 2
Carmarthen Town F.C 1

Opisanie na ligata:
Managers that go a week without logging in will receive a reminder, if they do not log in within the next week they will be sacked. This is to keep the League as active and competitive as possible.

If you're going on holiday just let me know, likewise if you may have difficulty getting online for any other reason.

1 League game per week. Three cups per season, all unseeded and neutral location
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