Deskrizzjoni tal-Kampjonat:
This league is invite only and fucking exclusive.
Although the last two recruitments were scraping the barrel.
The waiting list here is tiny and its not worth mailing us as the league is invite only, but lets not get off on the wrong foot if you insist on mailing then please do but your mail will go into the 'sad fucker has asked to join' thread for all of us to take the piss out of you.
We have at least 250 posts every week in our forum so if this is too busy for you then dont apply (remember the league is invite only and closed for all of you anyway)
****************************THE RULES********************************
1) You can say whatever you want. You can blast someone's beliefs, use racial slurs, slate religions, you can call anyone whatever name you want, you can question other members sexuality frequently. Feel free to post any video or image the less safe for work it is the better.
2) You don't have to be active. Take SB. He didn't log in for at least 116 months but his last post was a breath of fresh air. You'll only get sacked if you act like Smalls. Truth be known its a pain in the arse finding someone new to replace you.
3) If you're absent then you're absent nothing more!
4) Not setting tactics, losing and then complaining is a regular occurance in this league so don't feel bad when you don't set your tactics. People who do will just get the piss taken out of them for being such fags.
5) Have what ever team form you want we dont care just make sure you log in once a season like Sleepingbear and all will be ok.
We understand that these rules may seem a little weird but we are not like other leagues that force you to do what they want.
If you still want to join then mail Iwe RIP and call him a dick then steal his avatar* you will get let into the league if you have proof you have done this and we will salute you.
*any member able to do this will win the Blocpartyrule memorial Iwe baiting trophy. |