Players Out

Still active players sold to other clubs
Lilja Riento 24 D
2024-07-02 Glenbogle Monarchs 814 300
Sook-Joo Hwa 22 F
2024-03-19 Bethanys Binos 1 390 500
Stella Stafford 37 F
2023-04-20 Gateshead Ladies FC 518 000
Milla-Maria Nummelin 26 D
2023-02-04 Lioness FC 341 700
Virpi Eronen 25 D
2022-08-11 AC Inamorato 833 400
Chantelle Shields 32 MF
2022-06-28 Las Vegas Goaldiggers 3 771 500
Tiffany Case 29 GK
2022-01-08 Ho Sushi 833 400
Barbara Ullathorpe 31 D
2021-05-10 Always Ultras 3 571 500

Players that left the club
2024-07-09 Katariina Jäppilä 19 D
0 Sacked
2024-07-02 Lilja Riento 24 D
684 012 Sold
2024-03-21 Helena Kalliala 18 D
0 Sacked
2024-03-19 Sook-Joo Hwa 21 F
1 168 020 Sold
2024-03-15 Julia Männistö 18 MF
0 Sacked
2024-03-15 Pauliina Ohtonen 18 MF
0 Sacked
2023-12-02 Natalie Taparsela 21 MF
0 Sacked
2023-12-01 Roxanne Tenser 39 MF
0 Quit
2023-06-13 Lilja Nylund 18 F
0 Sacked
2023-05-05 Liinukka Alaja 20 MF
0 Sacked
2023-05-05 Chantelle Anderson 38 D
0 Quit
2023-04-20 Stella Stafford 32 F
435 120 Sold
2023-04-20 Rita Stuart 32 GK
503 244 Sold
2023-02-04 Milla-Maria Nummelin 21 D
287 028 Sold
2023-01-31 Riikka Karjalainen 20 D
0 Sacked
2023-01-20 Midge Jowsey 37 MF
0 Quit
2023-01-20 Kathy Hargreaves 38 D
0 Quit
2022-08-11 Virpi Eronen 18 D
700 056 Sold
2022-06-28 Chantelle Shields 25 MF
3 168 060 Sold
2022-06-28 Kristiina Tappara 18 MF
1 200 024 Sold
2022-06-24 Charlie Ackram 19 F
0 Sacked
2022-03-15 Agnes Jarvis 18 D
1 852 032 Sold
2022-03-11 Trudi Caldwell 37 MF
0 Quit
2022-01-08 Tiffany Case 20 GK
700 056 Sold
2021-12-02 Chelsea Spooner 18 GK
0 Sacked
2021-11-26 Nancy Briscoe 35 D
0 Quit
2021-11-26 Natalia Waddle 35 MF
0 Quit
2021-10-03 Georgina Stanhope 18 GK
500 052 Sold
2021-09-29 Justine Wicker 21 F
0 Sacked
2021-09-19 Alma Spedding 19 GK
500 052 Sold
2021-08-18 Ruby Hassall 19 GK
0 Sacked
2021-08-13 Juliana Benecke 36 MF
0 Quit
2021-06-20 Vicki Cahill 34 GK
400 008 Sold
2021-05-10 Barbara Ullathorpe 20 D
3 000 060 Sold
2021-05-01 Gertie Elliott 18 MF
0 Sacked
2021-04-30 Olga Torstensson 38 MF
0 Quit
2021-01-23 Felicity Edghill 18 MF
0 Sacked
2021-01-15 Kuri Ezumi 35 F
0 Quit
2020-10-02 Christina Pålsson 36 MF
0 Quit
2020-06-20 Sylvie Freestone 22 D
0 Sacked
2020-06-19 M’Baca Epalanga 35 D
0 Quit
2020-04-21 Christina Buntin 21 F
1 000 020 Sold
2020-03-06 Johanna Kana 37 D
0 Quit
2019-08-06 Barbara Gain 20 MF
0 Sacked
2019-06-27 Sinead Charlton 20 D
0 Sacked
2019-06-27 Nicolia Pelissier 34 F
0 Sacked
2019-04-29 Carole Walcott 19 GK
0 Sacked
2019-04-26 Etel Deák 36 MF
0 Quit
2019-04-26 Dahlia Smythe 35 D
0 Quit
2019-02-23 Natalia Ramsbottom 17 D
1 100 064 Sold
2018-11-20 Leslie Kaye 19 MF
0 Sacked
2018-10-30 Carolyn Hughes 20 D
0 Sacked
2018-10-02 Rosalyn Flack 21 D
1 520 064 Sold
2018-10-02 Staci Norton 18 F
3 000 060 Sold
2018-09-28 Arushi Chakravarti 37 D
0 Quit
2018-09-28 Grace Dodson 35 MF
0 Quit
2018-06-21 Blossom Neville 19 F
50 064 Sold
2018-06-21 Janey Burns 19 F
50 064 Sold
2018-06-17 Aldene Chozas 35 MF
0 Sacked
2018-06-15 Nicole Boyer 37 MF
0 Quit
2018-03-06 Marit Agerås 34 GK
600 012 Sold
2018-03-01 Nicolette Forbes 18 GK
0 Sacked
2018-01-16 Rosalyn Banks 18 MF
0 Sacked
2017-12-18 Georgia Gareth 18 D
200 004 Sold
2017-11-25 Aubrey Helmsley 21 MF
2 504 040 Sold
2017-11-17 Norma Grady 18 MF
0 Sacked
2017-11-17 Petronela Chitrosu 36 F
0 Quit
2017-09-27 Henriqueta Aguiar 33 D
0 Sacked
2017-09-10 Marcia Molseley 19 D
0 Sacked
2017-08-09 Bethany Morrissey 16 D
3 940 020 Sold
2017-08-04 Maria de Fátima 35 D
0 Quit
2017-07-05 Manal Giurgis 20 MF
2 000 040 Sold
2017-05-12 Felicity Bennet 22 MF
5 000 016 Sold
2017-04-25 Elizabeth Lodge 19 MF
300 048 Sold
2017-04-21 Jenny Jones 35 D
0 Quit
2017-02-25 Rosaline Benham 17 F
500 052 Sold
2017-01-10 Joyce Lilywhite 19 MF
784 056 Sold
2017-01-03 Rafaela Cardoso 32 MF
0 Sacked
2016-10-09 Evelina Nordander 23 GK
2 406 012 Sold
2016-10-09 Dora Åsén 21 D
0 Sacked
2016-09-23 Sofía Niklasson 35 MF
0 Quit
2016-09-23 Corália Setúbal 34 MF
0 Quit
2016-08-11 Trudy Graves 19 MF
0 Sacked
2016-08-11 Stacie Ackleigh 18 F
0 Sacked
2016-07-14 Rosaline Holt 21 F
0 Sacked
2016-06-16 Clare Tomlin 17 MF
900 060 Sold
2016-04-04 Diane Huckerby 19 D
450 072 Sold
2016-03-10 Zara Moss 20 F
0 Sacked
2016-03-07 June Rowey 20 D
0 Sacked
2016-03-01 Jill Sortland 36 GK
0 Sacked
2016-02-26 Agacia Crego 35 MF
0 Quit
2016-01-26 Gabrielle Rönnmark 32 MF
0 Sacked
2016-01-12 Inbar Almoznino 33 D
0 Sacked
2015-12-22 Eva Sprutis 19 F
0 Sacked
2015-11-13 Mirme Mu 21 F
0 Sacked
2015-11-10 Arabela Volintir 33 D
0 Sacked
2015-09-20 Qristina Rosenbladh 19 D
0 Sacked
2015-08-04 Lovis Broman 22 D
988 008 Sold
2015-08-04 Maru Nishibe 28 MF
1 990 044 Sold
2015-08-04 Linda Dorsin 18 MF
1 500 072 Sold
2015-07-29 Monique Moses 24 GK
0 Sacked
2015-07-28 Lisse Spruut 22 F
0 Sacked
2015-07-28 Kim Finch 33 D
0 Sacked
2015-06-02 Vanda Segerberg 19 MF
0 Sacked
2015-05-09 Ayani Asai 29 MF
1 760 052 Sold
2015-04-14 Erica Gentzel 18 MF
0 Sacked
2015-04-12 Alva Binken 18 MF
0 Sacked
2015-04-07 Asia Thomas 22 F
0 Sacked
2015-03-04 Lilian Lindström 32 F
0 Sacked
2015-02-27 Eva Berntsson 17 D
0 Sacked
2015-01-02 Ella Dackell 20 F
0 Sacked
2015-01-02 Lillemor Hagberg 38 GK
0 Quit
2014-07-08 Maeve Poppe 27 D
61 236 Sold
2014-06-10 Katy Toyota 18 D
504 000 Sold
2014-06-10 Yamila Rossi 26 MF
1 048 656 Sold
2014-06-06 Jen Fitzgerald 21 D
0 Sacked
2014-05-20 Katerina Diaz 20 MF
0 Sacked
2014-05-07 Rhiannon Oakes 32 D
166 152 Sold
2014-04-29 Sabine Möller 22 F
2 685 228 Sold
2014-03-06 Victoria Morgan 17 F
1 271 172 Sold
2014-02-11 Michelle Gilbert 17 D
0 Sacked
2013-11-12 Pamela Ladd 34 D
0 Sacked
2013-09-21 Brighid Chris 27 GK
0 Sacked
2013-08-20 Inger Berntson 22 F
0 Sacked
2013-08-17 Jacki Leigh 27 D
0 Sacked
2013-08-12 Tekla Sköld 21 F
0 Sacked
2013-07-30 My Eggert 19 F
0 Sacked
2013-07-26 Enid Thackeray 37 MF
0 Quit
2013-06-19 Minnie Greenish 35 F
0 Sacked
2012-12-21 Candy Evans 35 MF
0 Quit
2012-11-05 Fay Acombley 28 F
597 660 Sold
2012-11-02 Deb Hayhurst 31 GK
881 916 Sold
2012-11-01 Tiffany Rose 33 MF
289 212 Sold
2012-11-01 Marina Craioveanu 31 MF
294 756 Sold
2012-10-31 Briana Banks 36 F
0 Sacked
2012-09-07 Virginia Idiakez 25 F
0 Quit
2012-08-07 Sonia Leyland 18 MF
284 172 Sold
2012-07-19 Denise Wallbank 17 MF
1 704 024 Sold
2012-06-12 Paula Ryding 18 MF
2 376 024 Sold
2012-05-29 Melissa Friedel 18 MF
40 068 Sold
2012-05-29 Jenna Haze 33 D
1 282 008 Sold
2012-05-29 Suzy Bendle 30 MF
2 594 004 Sold
2012-04-22 Angelina Hodgson 18 F
41 412 Sold
2011-10-28 Kimberly Royal 35 F
0 Quit
2011-09-27 Brogan Bonner 19 MF
1 000 020 Sold
2011-09-25 Amber Lynn 32 D
1 388 016 Sold
2011-05-02 Ciara Whelan 19 F
40 068 Sold
2011-04-27 Ida Finnan 17 D
150 024 Sold
2011-04-06 Vendela Casell 33 D
768 012 Sold
2011-04-02 Jelena Jensen 23 MF
0 Sacked
2011-04-02 Adelina Sakiri 19 D
0 Sacked
2011-02-08 Füsun Sanmez 20 MF
0 Sacked
2010-11-25 Charlene Snape 34 GK
1 200 024 Sold
2010-11-25 Ida Gullbrandsson 24 F
1 500 072 Sold
2010-11-22 Kajsa Sunesson 32 MF
0 Sacked
2010-11-21 Danijela Bulic 26 D
3 500 028 Sold
2010-11-17 Vickie Routhledge 37 MF
0 Sacked
2010-11-17 Lara Chapman 20 MF
0 Sacked
2010-10-10 Irene Harrell 33 D
1 000 020 Sold
2010-09-03 Ester Arvhage 37 D
0 Quit
2010-04-29 Ann Griffiths 17 D
0 Sacked
2010-04-14 Gwyneth Farley 17 MF
90 048 Sold
2010-04-10 Elle Rotham 19 F
0 Sacked
2010-04-10 Grace Gahan 19 MF
0 Sacked
2010-02-28 Susanne Walmesley 19 MF
0 Sacked
2010-01-13 Jenna Barratt 18 F
0 Sacked
2010-01-06 Kimberley Hording 18 F
0 Sacked
2009-12-31 Marian Keating 21 MF
733 572 Sold
2009-12-14 Mae Hayes 19 F
0 Sacked
2009-12-14 Juliet Pearson 19 F
0 Sacked
2009-12-09 Eva Wheels 19 F
923 999 Sold
2009-10-28 Annette Reeves 19 F
96 516 Sold
2009-08-13 Taylor Rain 23 F
471 408 Sold
2009-08-08 Gail Burke 20 MF
1 567 188 Sold
2009-07-28 Charlie Hennigan 18 D
504 000 Sold
2009-07-21 Agnes Eccleston 19 D
825 720 Sold
2009-07-20 Dawn Acombe 31 MF
1 439 424 Sold
2009-07-10 Lola Bayer 35 F
0 Quit
2009-05-10 Michelle Nightingale 19 GK
66 108 Sold
2009-04-29 Jaye Alford 28 D
1 218 000 Sold
2009-04-03 Bertha Farley 18 D
0 Sacked
2009-01-31 Geraldine Roddick 20 GK
184 968 Sold
2009-01-24 Leigh Shiver 20 MF
1 212 036 Sold
2009-01-17 Jo McManaman 19 MF
0 Sacked
2008-12-28 Eleanor Weatherstone 19 D
0 Sacked
2008-12-15 Fiona Peake 18 D
0 Sacked
2008-10-14 Braeden Drogheda 18 D
0 Sacked
2008-10-14 Flora Carling 19 D
0 Sacked
2008-10-02 Shyla Styles 23 F
0 Sacked
2008-09-18 Tiffany Holiday 21 D
0 Sacked
2008-09-02 Haley McNicholas 29 GK
192 948 Sold
2008-06-27 Afton Rocastle 22 D
221 508 Sold
2008-06-13 Katherine Wellens 25 MF
650 832 Sold
2008-05-26 Tawnee Stone 19 MF
3 780 000 Sold
2008-04-25 Neriah Davies 19 MF
0 Sacked
2008-04-25 Margaret Fahrenheit 17 MF
0 Sacked
2008-04-04 Zdenka Podkapova 18 GK
40 068 Sold
2008-03-26 Charmaine Acheson 21 MF
0 Sacked
2008-02-06 Eunice Richards 26 MF
0 Sacked
2008-02-03 Carole Stamps 32 D
0 Sacked
2008-01-16 Tamara Cahill 30 F
0 Sacked
2008-01-02 Anna Coleman 32 D
0 Sacked
2007-11-28 Shirley Windass 25 MF
0 Sacked
2007-11-22 Viv O´Brien 31 MF
0 Sacked
2007-11-22 Lindsey Parks 32 MF
0 Sacked
2007-11-21 Candy Steele 30 F
0 Sacked
2007-11-20 Sabrina Byrne 25 D
0 Sacked

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