Raport błedów ( #5834731 )

Something has gone wrong unfortunately. The majority of errors that occur on Xpert Eleven are duo to cache issues in the web browser. If you are having problems then please try deleting the browsers cache before you send us an error report.

In Internet Explorer
tools/internet options. Click on "Delete files".

In Firefox
tools/options/secrecy. Click on "Delete cache".

In Opera
tools/options/advanced. Click on "Empty cache".

In Netscape
tools/options/privacy. Click on "Clear cache".

Also make sure that your browser in the future does not cache internet pages too hard, in most browsers the cache settings should be on automatic. Consult your browser's help information about cache issues if needed.

If you still are having problems and you suspects that something is wrong then please contact us. Please try answer the questions listed below.

  Na której stronie pracowałes i kiedy błąd sie pojawił? Czy klikałes na jakis hiperlink? Jesli tak to który ?
  Czy jest to problem, który zdarza sie ponownie czy jest to po raz pierwszy?