Young Porkodijos 1 (1 - 0) 1 Bingley Corsairs
Porko's Den 2022-01-07 14:30
Arbitru: Tony Nolan (P9, S9)
The jersey is in the laundry
Young Porkodijos
P H Galvão
F F Høiland
F P Bardes
F H Ajuwa
F M Ángel Mariscal
M W Rahayuan
M P van der Berg (C)
M H Krane
M C Gower
M J Bivar
A H Casqueira
R R Farrow
R S Downes
R M Rea

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2 Ross Hackett a primit cartonas galben
12 1 - 0 Sut dupa un corner: Gol inscris de Henrik Krane din pasa lui Chris Gower
46 Horner Milburn de la Bingley Corsairs a fost inlocuit cu Keith Gooden
60 1 - 1 Sut din loviturã liberã: Gol inscris de Ross Hackett din pasa lui Tony Mahony
65 Hélio Casqueira de la Young Porkodijos a fost inlocuit cu Mart Rea
65 Jerónimo Bivar de la Young Porkodijos a fost inlocuit cu Randy Farrow
65 Humberto Galvão de la Young Porkodijos a fost inlocuit cu Steven Downes
74 Miguel Ángel Mariscal a primit cartonas galben
79 Jermaine Talbot de la Bingley Corsairs a fost inlocuit cu Ron Shipton
81 Ergun Ilhan de la Bingley Corsairs a fost inlocuit cu Theobald Sloan
83 Ron Shipton a primit cartonas galben
Posesie: 58 - 42 (52-48)
Sanse de gol: 4 - 2 (2-0)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Wakijan Rahayuan Clifford Collis

Comentarii despre joc
Alte comentarii
Bingleybantam (Bingley Corsairs) 2022-01-07 
Thanks for the game, it really helped my team\'s form. Hope you got the same benefit

Buhprasc (Young Porkodijos) 2022-01-07 
Helped a few. Thanks to you too for the match. If you wanna rematch, just invite :)

The jersey is in the laundry
Bingley Corsairs
P C Neill (C)
F M Nave
F C Collis
F G There
F H Milburn
M E Shipton
M R Hackett
M T Mahony
M E Ilhan
A J Corpe
A J Talbot
R S Gow
R K Gooden
R T Sloan
R R Shipton

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