Kotezickener FC 7 (0 - 0) 8 FK Zivinanj
Aggregate score: 2-2 (Kotezickener FC advances to next round)
2nd round in Pro League Cup
Kotezicken Bridge 2024-08-02 13:30
Referee: Ian Hartman (S4, H4)
The jersey is in the laundry
Kotezickener FC
GK M Haiböck
D A Tuzer
D P Ehrengruber
D K Eikelman
D E Ecker
MF C Campagna
MF V Sahlén
MF E Messner (C)
MF F Schlader
F H Berghuber
F P Moritz

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




55 0 - 1 Breakaway: Goal scorer was Yukihiro Yano assisted by Fiorello Cerioni
62 0 - 2 Long range shot: Goal scorer was Sal Rebosio assisted by Fiorello Cerioni
75 Tarik Sasaki of FK Zivinanj was substituted by Ismail Soarny
80 Fiorello Cerioni of FK Zivinanj was substituted by Chukwueneka Troy
80 Faron Legazpi of FK Zivinanj was substituted by Neo Mills
Extra time
Penalty shootout
120 1 - 2 Penalty: Goal scorer was Heinz Berghuber
120 1 - 3 Penalty: Goal scorer was Stevie Roswell
120 2 - 3 Penalty: Goal scorer was Kai Eikelman
120 2 - 4 Penalty: Goal scorer was Dan-Åke Westberg
120 3 - 4 Penalty: Goal scorer was Eduardo Messner
120 3 - 5 Penalty: Goal scorer was Mike Hooper
120 4 - 5 Penalty: Goal scorer was Marek Haiböck
120 4 - 6 Penalty: Goal scorer was Román Cardona
120 5 - 6 Penalty: Goal scorer was Philip Moritz
120 5 - 7 Penalty: Goal scorer was Yukihiro Yano
120 6 - 7 Penalty: Goal scorer was Elias Ecker
120 6 - 8 Penalty: Goal scorer was Sal Rebosio
120 7 - 8 Penalty: Goal scorer was Fabian Schlader
120 7 - 8 Penalty miss by Sebi Sitaru in FK Zivinanj
Kotezickener FC wins the shoot-out by 7 - 6
Possession: 44 - 56 (41-59)
Chances: 0 - 8 (0-5)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Eduardo Messner Román Cardona

The jersey is in the laundry
FK Zivinanj
GK K-G Carlsén
D T Sasaki
D D-Å Westberg (C)
D M Hooper
D R Cardona
D S Sitaru
MF F Cerioni
MF S Roswell
MF Y Yano
MF S Rebosio
F F Legazpi
R T Svantesson
R I Soarny
R N Mills
R C Troy

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




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